May 27

The Best Guide to: How to Effectively Care for Your Black Moor Goldfish


When you think of Goldfish, instinctively, most people are drawn to bright, colorful varieties in white and orange hues. However, the Black Moor Goldfish, also known as the telescopic or black Goldfish, break this cliché. 

The Black Moor Goldfish is a popular aquarium choice worldwide due to its unique features that set them apart from other Goldfish. With telescopic eyes, an egg-shaped body, and distinct black scales, the species is scientifically known as Carassius auratus. In addition to their physical appearance, such as their protruding eyes, their temperament is quite docile and calm.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about Black Moor Goldfish care and the history of the species. With proper care and a well-maintained aquarium, Black Moor can thrive with other Goldfish.

Where Did the Black Moor Goldfish Originate? 

Black Moor Goldfish

The fact is, Black Moor Goldfish is one of the oldest Goldfish breeds to exist. They were initially discovered in China during the early 1700s. 

The Black Moor Goldfish originate from deep-bodied fish called carp, which can be found in large ponds. Carp fish have been farmed as food for decades. They have no rare features and are very plain, usually olive in color. 

Due to isolated breeding in ponds and the lack of Black Moor Goldfish care, genetic clashes would result in exciting, bright colors like yellow, red, or orange on their scales. Large, telescopic eyes also became standard features, leading to the discovery of the Dragon Fish. 

Consequently, once these fish caught the eye of fish breeders in China, they began selective breeding. However, some research suggests this process started with other species of Goldfish before 1000 AD. Thus, many Goldfish species known today come from selective breeding. 

Not long after, Goldfish were also introduced to Japan and furthered the variety of features. For example, some fancy Goldfish now have longer tail fins and intricate color patterns that set them apart. Similarly, this is how the Black Moor Goldfish was bred to obtain telescopic eyes, an egg-shaped body, and black coloration. 

Different Varieties of Black Moor GoldFish

Black Moor Goldfish

Depending on breeding, source, and age, the Black Moor Goldfish shares its features with other similar species. Fish are usually classified according to the shape and size of their eyes. Surprisingly, some Black Moor have offspring without big eyes. 

When you head to your local pet store, you can find Black Moor varieties with unique tails like butterfly-shaped or even ribbon, while older black Moors had fantails. Through selective breeding, recent variations derive some of their features from cousin species. 

The Black Lionhead is one such variation,black-colored, and it resembles the Tail Goldfish. Other black-colored types of fancy Goldfish include Black Oranda, Black Ryukin, Black Bubble Eye, and Black Pearlscale Goldfish, to name a few. 

Furthermore, Goldfish with similarities to Black Moors include the Panda and White Telescope Goldfish. The Panda Telescope has monochrome patterns, while the White Telescope is pure white. However, both fish are characterized by their solid back bodies and large eyes. 

You can pair Black Moors with all Goldfish. But, those species with protruding eyes and other similar features do better together. Furthermore, this produces offspring with similar properties.

How Much Care do Black Moor Goldfish Require?

Black Moor Goldfish

    Black Moor Goldfish care requires minimal effort! This is why they make great pets for children and adults alike. Due to their rigid bodies, Black Moors are less delicate in comparison to similar Goldfish.

    Black Goldfish adapt well to subtle water changes. Furthermore, Black Moors don’t require huge tanks as they don’t grow too big, making them an excellent choice for beginner aquascapes. However, their characteristics need certain precautions to make them live a longer life.

    Black Moor Goldfish care aims to reduce the risk of damage to their protruding eyes. Unfortunately, these larger eyes also cause weaker eyesight. Thus, you should be cautious about how you decorate your tank to reduce the risk of injury. Avoid larger or sharp decoration pieces and handle Black Moors delicately to protect their eyes. 

    Skin and swim bladder diseases are also common to Black Moor Goldfish. Therefore, it is essential to keep a check on their daily behavior. If you find a sick fish, isolate it immediately to ensure the disease doesn’t spread through your aquarium. 

    In addition, Black Moors love to eat anything that may enter their tank. For these reasons, maintaining a clean, healthy environment is crucial. As long as you are gentle with your Goldfish, caring for them Goldfish be a breeze!

    Black Moor Temperament and Behaviour 

    Black Moor Goldfish

    As we stated earlier, Black Moor Goldfish are very docile and calm. They are also very friendly and get along well with other fish within a shared tank. However, the Black Moor Goldfish prefer solitude and keeping to themselves. This is the main reason why they should not be placed with larger or more invasive fish that like to take up space. 

    In addition, Black Moor Goldfish are slow swimmers and use their time to move around inside an aquarium. Due to poor eyesight, they keep themselves entertained in the center of the tank. But, when stressed, Black Moors go into hiding. To ease their temperament, pair them with fish with similar behavioral patterns. 

    As they spend more time with you, Black Moors become more interactive and can show little gestures to express their feelings. Did you know Black Moor wiggle when they are excited? There’s nothing more adorable than your little pet fish interacting with you through gestures. 

    What Does the Black Moor Goldfish Look Like? 

    Black Moor Goldfish

    As their name suggests, Black Moors are most commonly black in color. Their eyes set them apart from other goldfish as they protrude further than normal. As Black Moor Goldfish age, their eyes grow more and can pop out. Perhaps this is why they are also known as the Telescopic Goldfish, despite having weak eyesight. To identify the oldest amongst your fish, focus on the eyes and how big they are. 

    Another distinct feature of the species is that they have two separate sets of fins. The dorsal and pectoral fins found on either side of the fish head are large in size, while the fins around the tail area are longer. These resemble ribbons and look beautiful, which is why they are so popular amongst fish owners.

    In addition, the Black Moor Goldfish features a round, egg-shaped body. Due to this bulging belly, the species cannot swim fast, often resulting in them babbling around their fish tanks. This is a common trait amongst several types of fancy goldfish.

    Male Black Moor Goldfish is smaller in size compared to their female companions. However, the difference is very little and almost goes unnoticed. The best time to identify the sex of these species is during mating season. 

    Black Moor males develop small, white bumps on their fins during the mating season, known as breeding tubercles. These are visible to the eye and can help distinguish males from females. However, even with these generally shared features, Black Moors have distinct color patterns and differences in size that make each goldfish unique. 

    How Big Does a Black Moor Goldfish grow? 

    Black Moor Goldfish typically stays very small in size, no more than any other goldfish within your aquarium. On average, a fully grown adult Black Moor measures approximately 4 inches in length. However, if kept healthy and happy, Black Moor Goldfish can grow even further, reaching lengths of up to 6 to 8 inches long. 

    Color Variations 

    As their name suggests, Moor Fish are black in color. However, their appearance changes throughout the aging process due to color development. Younger Black Moor Goldfish are often born with a brown, bronze body and no telescopic eyes.

    Over time as Black Moor Goldfish age, they develop their soot-black color. But, due to genetics, sometimes this never happens, and some fish can lose black pigment entirely. Furthermore, water quality and temperature also impair the coloration of Black Moors. 

    The Average Lifespan of a Black Moor Goldfish

    Black Moor Goldfish

    Black Moor Goldfish make great pets because they have a longer lifespan than other fish. With proper care and living environment, on average Black Moors can live up to fifteen years! That’s much longer than the lifespan of common household pets like dogs and cats. 

    Diet and Feeding 

    Black Moor Goldfish

    Most goldfish species, including the Black Moor Goldfish, are omnivores. This means they consume both meat and plant-based diets. As natural survivalists, they eat whatever is readily available, including tadpoles, vegetation, and small insects. 

    Popular food options for pet Black Moors and other goldfish include dried flakes and pellets. These are full of nutrients and inexpensive options. Frozen and fresh food is easier to digest and also recommended. Supplementary fresh meat recommendations include brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia, which can be bought either frozen or live. 

    Other dietary recommendations include fresh, green vegetables, including lettuce, broccoli, and spinach. These vegetables support digestion due to the high levels of fiber within them, easing constipation. 

    Remember to feed your goldfish small amounts of food twice a day. Do not try to feed them larger meals as this could impact digestion and make them fall sick! Also, high protein foods are not recommended for daily intake, so stick to plant options instead. 

    The Black Moor Goldfish Family 

    Black Moor Goldfish

    Most goldfish belong to the carp family, scientifically known as Cyprinidae. Within this family, Goldfish are subcategorized under the Carassius species, making them known as Carassius Auratus. 

    Ideal Tank Conditions 

    Considering that Black Moor Goldfish have weak eyesight, it is vital to have a clean tank set up to minimize risks. Furthermore, Black Moors feed on whatever they can find to sustain themselves and often mistake small objects for food. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid overcrowding the tank and ensure a complete initial setup. 

    Furthermore, goldfish and other pets live healthier and longer lives when their environment is close to their ancestors. This mimics a natural habitat, creating the optimal surroundings required by Black Moors to thrive. Historically, carp fish have always been known to prefer waters with a sandy surface. 

    Other factors to consider are selecting the correct tank size, water temperature, and conditions for thriving goldfish. 

    Water Temperature 

    Extremely adaptable to their surroundings, the Black Moor Goldfish have a high tolerance for changes in water temperature. However, regular fluctuations can still be dangerous in the long term; therefore, it is recommended to keep the temperature constant. 

    The ideal temperature for Black Moor Goldfish is room temperature, with water between 50 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. You do not require special equipment or a water heater if you can maintain it yourself. However, to prevent sudden drops in water temperatures, experts recommend using a heater. 

    Water Conditions

    All fish are adapted to the pH levels of their water homes. But since Goldfish have been bred in captivity for years, they have adapted to higher tolerances to all pH ranges. However, try to maintain a neutral pH of between 6 to 8 on the litmus scale. Neutral water conditions have been proven to increase the expected lifespan of certain fish species. 

    In addition, a clean environment is crucial. If left unmaintained, depleting water conditions increase the risk of disease, bacteria, and pathogens. This includes life-threatening waste release containing chemicals like ammonia which can kill your goldfish. These reduce the lifespan of your pet, and in some cases, can be lethal. To keep your Black Moors Healthy, make sure you incorporate a regular cleaning and maintenance regime as part of caring for your pet. 

    A proper filtration and monitoring system helps ensure the best conditions are maintained to see your Goldfish live long, healthy lives. 

    Recommended Tank Size 

    While, for the most part, Black Moor Goldfish do not grow very large, their fins may. Also, in some instances, fish can grow twice as large as anticipated! 

    To avoid surprises, settle for a tank or fishbowl with a minimum capacity of 20 gallons for your Black Moors. Then, as you add more fish, increase this volume by 10 gallons each time. 

    Proper Black Moor Goldfish Care and Maintenance 

    Black Moor Goldfish

    You don’t have to do much to give Black Moor Goldfish the care they require. But, by maintaining a clean environment and water conditions, you can help their survival. 

    A filter is the only necessary device you need for your aquarium. Physically remove any large leftovers to keep the water clean. However, it is essential to note that Black Moor Goldfish prefer murkier waters, and therefore this is not always an indication of unhealthy conditions. 

    Change the water every alternate week or up to once a month. Also, avoid small or sharp objects within the water tank as their weak eyesight could lead to severe injuries. If you notice symptoms like floating or sinking in the water or sudden spots and changes in color, this could indicate serious disease.

    If you doubt one of your fish is sick, immediately isolate them from the rest. In this case, they have a swim bladder and are unable to control their buoyancy, completely stopping food for 24 hours. After this, slowly introduce fresh, fiber-rich foods like leafy greens to aid the recovery process.

    With a little bit of caution, you can maintain your tank conditions and avoid problems. 

    Suitable Tank Mates for Black Moors

    Very social creatures, Black Moors generally do well with most fish in shared community tanks or aquariums. However, due to their weak eyesight and slow speed, it is vital to select tank mates that will not hinder their success. Other fancy goldfish are a great option as they have similar temperaments and lifestyles as Black Moor Goldfish. 

    Some options include Oranda or Comet Goldfish. Angelfish, catfish, and mollies are also suitable tank mates as they are less aggressive. But be sure to avoid aggressive species as they can physically harm your Black Moor. Shrimp and snails are recommended tank mates too. But, they can often be mistaken for food. 

    Overall, Black Moors do well with all types of fish with similar calm temperaments. The only real threat is the risk of injury and physical attacks. Therefore, choose your aquarium pets wisely to avoid unwarranted conflicts. 

    Compatible Species 

    The best companion options for Black Moors include other fancy goldfish like Orandas. They have similar, peaceful natures that compliment each other without causing problems. 

    Other small fish and invertebrates are also compatible with Black Moor Goldfish. Some of these species include shoaling fish like Mollies, Zebra Danios, and Cherry Barbs, which are common aquarium choices. 

    To replicate their natural habitat of murky waters, small fish like Otocinclus and Kuhli Loaches can be added to the bottom of the tank. Some larger options include the Class Catfish and Angelfish. Alternatively, you can add shrimps or snail species as they are generally very peaceful. 

    Black Moor Goldfish should always be placed with similar species or similar characteristics like slow speed to prolong their lives. In addition, finding companions that are approximately the same size also extends the life of a Goldfish. 

    Breeding Black Moor Goldfish 

    Black Moor Goldfish

    With the basics covered, you can breed Black Moors at home. As early as the age of one, Black Moor Goldfish can be ready to breed. Although it is more common to reach puberty between 1.5 and 2 years old, be sure to check for physical symptoms.

    Black Moor Goldfish form tiny white dots on their skin during the mating season to indicate they are ready to breed. Like most fish, they lay eggs when spring water is in full tide. Therefore, you have to replicate increasing temperatures gradually to trigger the same changes as the weather.

    Begin with small increments like 3 degrees Fahrenheit every day till you reach 75 degrees. Then, when ready to mate, a male Black Moor will begin circling a female over a few days. After spawning, they lay up to 10,000 eggs at a time, which can be found on tank surfaces.

    To ensure the eggs survive, separate them from the fish tank as most adults eat their eggs. Then, in only a few days, baby Black Moors are hatched. Initially, feed them high protein and iron foods that are small in size. Then, after two months apart, when younger fish have switched over to an adult’s diet, they are ready to join the rest of their tank community. It really is that simple! 

    How to Aquascape your own Black Moor Goldfish Tank? 

    Like other goldfish species, Black Moors love to dig. The ideal aquascape for this species involves having deep layers of sand or gravel. However, food getting stuck in this gravel layer can lead to bacteria and algae growth. Be sure to remove any leftovers and keep the tank clean. 

    Avoid using harmful or potentially hazardous ornaments. For example, black Moor Goldfish have very weak eyesight and don’t see as well, leading to severe injuries. Sharp rocks and gravel can also lead to pokes and scratches. Instead, choose smooth decorations such as resin caves. 

    Your fish tank must contain a filter to ensure constant cleanout. However, you can switch plastic filter pipes to transparent glass tubes instead for better aesthetics. Other options include adding aquatic plants with no spikey leaves or rough wood. 

    Furthermore, select aquarium-safe gravel or sand. If you want to add plastic pebbles, ensure they are smooth and placed around plants to prevent digging. Aquascaping can be both fun and practical to prolong the life of your Goldfish! 

    Bonus: Popular Blackmoor Goldfish Ailments And Their Treatments

    Ichthyophthirius multifiliis

    Infected telescope goldfish develop white patches on their bodies and fins due to this infectious illness. Moreover, the dots are parasite egg sacs, which contain hundreds of parasites.

    Additionally, this ich originates due to a sudden shift in climate or water quality, and it may kill fish in days.

    Thus, maintaining a steady habitat and quarantining new goldfish varieties are the best ways to avoid ich in black moors.

    Costia Necatrix

    A protozoan parasite causes this Goldfish illness. Further, it can produce lethargy, lack of appetite, irregular swimming, and white spots on the skin and fins.

    Moreover, you can cure Costia with Acriflavine, a drug you can find in most pet shops. Additionally, you can also use copper to fix your black moors.

    Both treatments, however, can be fatal to your pet if you misuse them, so contact a vet before using them.

    Argulus (Lice in Fish)

    Fish lice are bloodsucking organisms that adhere themselves to afflicted fish’s bodies. Moreover, these lice are around 1/4 inch in diameter and feed on the fish’s blood.

    When black moor goldfish catch a fish lice infestation, they become restless, have pinched fins, and stop feeding. 

    Fortunately, treating fish lice is as simple as pulling them off with forceps or employing potassium permanganate.

    Anchor Worms 

    The anchor worm relies on the fish’s blood by burrowing its head beneath the skin. Consequently, for several months, these worms grow in the fish tissue, release eggs, and eventually die.

    Moreover, the residual hole becomes unsightly and infected when the worm dies.

    Further, you can quickly identify Anchor worms by their long, thin bodies with a bit of clasp at the end. 

    Hence, to cure anchor worm infections, soak the afflicted fish for ten to 30 minutes in a potassium permanganate solution.


    The bacterial illness Columnaris affects the fish’s body, fins, and mouth. Although the microorganisms that cause this sickness are often present in the water, they only infect stressed or unwell fish.

    Moreover, Columnaris causes inflammation around the gills, mouth, body ulcers, and fin rot. Regrettably, Columnaris is a disease that spreads quickly and can kill your big-eyed goldfish.

    Thus, you must treat the fish appropriately, or it will perish.

    Further, you can treat Columnaris with medications (antibiotics). First, however, you should remove any ill or agitated fish from the aquarium to prevent the disease from spreading. 

    Additionally, you may also use a UV sterilizer to destroy microorganisms in the water.


    Constipation in goldfish is a frequent condition due to various causes, including a high-carbohydrate, low-fiber, or high-fat diet.

    Moreover, constipation can include a poor appetite, irregular swimming, and a bloated belly.

    Consequently, you may manage it by providing high-fiber meals to your fish. These include cooked peas. Further, you can try introducing Epsom salt to the water.

    Maintaining good nutrition for your fish might also help to avoid constipation.

    Swim Bladder Disease

    The goldfish’s swim bladder is a ventilated organ that aids buoyancy control. Thus, the goldfish may swim irregularly or even sink to the tank’s bottom once the swim bladder becomes inflamed.

    Moreover, swim bladder illness has no treatment. However, you can try treating your fish by introducing Epsom salt to the water and giving them cooked peas.

    Additionally, keeping a clean aquarium and preventing overfeeding can help to avoid swim bladder illness.

    To Conclude:

    Black Moor Goldfish is a super friendly and calm species to add to your next aquascape. Known for their beautiful fins and telescopic eyes, they are very interactive pets, perfect for everyone! Now you know about black moor goldfish care. So, are you ready to bring home and care for your own fancy goldfish with big eyes? 


    big eyed goldfish, black moors, fancy goldfish, goldfish varieties, goldfish with the big eyes, protruding eyes, telescope goldfish, telescopic eyes

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