April 4

15 Goldfish Tank Mates – What Fish Can Live with Goldfish?


Goldfish are one of the most loved aquarium pets and that is probably due to their captivating appearance. They are available in several colorful varieties – from the fantails to black moors, comets, lion head, and so on – that will delightfully grace every tank they inhabit. While goldfish do not have any problem staying in the aquarium all by themselves, you may desire to create a community tank with goldfish in it. But before you can go ahead with finding the goldfish tank mates, there are certain considerations you need to make, and it should begin with the lifestyle of the goldfish.

What Fish Can Live with Goldfish?

Before knowing about the possible goldfish companion in the fish tank, it’s important to know about the Goldfish characteristics. Goldfish are freshwater species that thrive in cold water environments with a temperature of between 65-720F – they live in a water body that is either slow-moving or stagnant. They exhibit omnivorous feeding habits – but will sometimes feed on detritus – and can grow up to a maximum length of 10 – 16cm. Goldfish are peaceful, hardy, and not much of a fastidious eater.

So, having taken note of these points, when seeking out a tank mate for your goldfish, you should go for one that has similar characteristics and/or requirements as the goldfish. You need not leave this page to go in search of fish compatible with goldfish as we have got them listed out here in details:

Best Gold Fish Tank Mates List

1. Hillstream Loach

Hillstream loach

First on our list is the hillstream loach, another beautiful species with peaceful and likable character. They are not just easy-going neighbors, they are also caring – maybe in my own words – and that’s because they are seasoned algae eaters. What this means is that the tank gets to be free from algae and the menace it creates.

Hillstream loach cherishes swimming in areas of fast-flowing waters; this could ensure that the paths of these two species do not cross while dwelling in the same aquarium – remember that goldfish swim in slow-moving water.

  • Temperature:61 – 75 0F
  • Size: 08 – 7.6 cm
  • Diet: Omnivore; they feed on shrimp pellets, flakes, brine shrimp, blanched spinach, kale leaves, and bloodworms; they are also fastidious algae eaters
  • Aggression level: Peaceful; but may show defensive instinct whenever they feel their territory is under threat.

2. White Cloud Minnows

White Cloud Minnows

Just like the goldfish, the white cloud minnow is a hardy fish that is found in abundance in the well-vegetated slow-to-fast-moving waters of Vietnam and China. They prefer swimming in the middle or top layer of the aquarium and are arguably the most common tank mates of goldfish.

That said, there have been instances where goldfish feasted on white cloud minnows they shared the tank with. Because of this, it may not be advisable to keep the minnows with a goldfish that has massively outgrown it – the minnows are relatively smaller than goldfish but are faster swimmers. White cloud minnows are a schooling type of fish that will usually move around in a group of 5-6

  • Temperature:45 – 75 0F
  • Size:5 cm max
  • Diet: flakes, Daphnia, insects, larvae, tubifex worms, boiled vegetables, algae wafers
  • Aggression Level: Peaceful

3. Zebra Danios

Zebra Danios

Zebra danios are a choice pet for many reasons; they are very sociable, peaceful, and easy to care for. To this end, they should make a good companion for goldfish. Zebra danios are relatively faster swimmers and will beat the goldfish for pace – so you can take that the zebra danio’s survival instinct [when up against a ‘bloodthirsty’ goldfish].

Zebra danios can survive in varying tank conditions as they are a thorough breed. They are a schooling species that spend most of their time swimming around the top or middle region of the tank.

  • Temperature:65 – 75 0F
  • Size:5 cm
  • Diet: Brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, Daphnia, shelled peas, black worms, crustaceans, and algae
  • Aggression level: Very peaceful

4. Bristlenose Pleco

Bristlenose pleco

This is comparatively a much bigger goldfish tank mate that is known for its algae-clearing habit – a cleaner and a safer tank is sustained with a bristle nose pleco in the mix. To sound a note of caution, you need to ensure that your aquarium’s filtration system is up to scratch as bristle nose plecos do generate a lot of waste.

Plus, it is an easy-going species, so there should be no rancor or hard feelings between plecos and goldfish while in the tank. They are predominantly bottom-dwelling but may sometimes venture to the top because of their high demand for oxygen.

Bristlenose plecos are also nocturnal species and appear to prefer a solitary lifestyle – that does not mean they are hostile when other species are present.

    • Temperature:60 – 80 0F
    • Size:7 cm max
    • Diet: Largely herbivores, feeding on plant matter, blanched veggies, and algae. They occasionally feed on bloodworms and some other live foods
    • Aggression level: However, they can put up a defense – with the aid of their bony armor – when under attack

    5. Weather loach

    Weather loach

    Weather loach is not so named for no just cause; it is a credible storm predictor and can even survive outside – that’s by the way; this amazing aquatic creature, which is also called ‘dojo loach‘ or ‘oriental weatherfish‘ makes a wonderful tank mate for goldfish. They are generally sociable and somewhat playful.

    Weather loaches are found in stagnant or slow-moving water bodies, with their population having an appreciably wide distribution. They are bottom-dwellers but love to go on a jumping spree from time to time

    • Temperature:50 – 72 0F
    • Size:8 – 30.48cm
    • Diet: Peas, zucchini, earthworms, tubifex, dried bloodworms, shrimps, cucumber, flakes
    • Aggression level: Peaceful

    6. Bloodfin tetras

    Bloodfin tetras

    Though not to be taken as a regular coldwater species, bloodfin tetras should be a good tank mate for goldfish – provided the temperature is kept at above 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Marked out by their distinctive red wavy fins, these aquatic species will yet add some colors to the aquarium along with their newly-found (goldfish) companion.

    Bloodfin tetras are active swimmers, preferring to swim in an area of water with moderate flow. They are a schooling sort and are comfortable moving up and about every region of the tank. Plus, they are very friendly and quite easy to care for.

    • Temperature:64 – 82 0F
    • Size:5 cm max.
    • Diet: Brine shrimp, bloodworms, flakes, pellets, veggies, crustaceans, insect larvae, Daphnia
    • Aggression level: Peaceful

    7. Rosy barb

    Rosy barb

    Rosy barbs enjoy the company of one another as they swim about in a group, but will be fine with goldfish dwelling in the same tank they occupy. In the wild, rosy barbs are found in fast-flowing streams and rivers – but they can also thrive in stagnant waters.

    They are active swimmers that will readily grace any region of the aquarium with their colorful appearance. Like the dojo loach before them, rosy barbs also love to jump a lot – so, make sure your tank has a secure cover over it.

    Though not utterly aggressive, rosy barbs are fond of nipping at the fins of the fish that are slow-swimmers. This will most likely happen if they are not kept in a shoal.

    • Temperature:64 – 73 0F
    • Size:81 – 7.62cm
    • Diet: Flakes, zucchini, peas, pellets, crustaceans, insect larvae, brine shrimps
    • Aggression level: Peaceful – semi-aggressive

    8. Checkerboard barb

    Checkerboard barb

    Another species from the family of the barbs to make a peaceful community with your goldfish is the checkerboard barb. Checkerboard barbs are a group of tropical species with darting swimming ability, and they are no troublemakers. A checkerboard barb will be very much inclined to go into hiding when not in the company of its kind.

    They are easy to care for, and are not ravenous eaters; all they need is a small portion of the meal and they are fine. So, any fears over your goldfish being starved to death – due to competition for food – should be struck out.

    • Temperature:68 – 77 0F
    • Size:5 cm max
    • Diet: Flakes, plant matter, vegetables, detritus, Daphnia, bloodworm, insect larvae
    • Aggression level: Peaceful

    9. Giant Danio

    Giant danio

    Don’t get scared by the ‘giant’ tag in their nomenclature; your goldfish will not get crushed by the giant danio which can only attain a maximum length of 11 cm in captivity – but you will need a relatively large tank to house them as cherish swimming about in a shoal.

    More so, they are generally peaceful but be mindful of the fact that the giant danios may let some hell loose once they do not have their kind swimming around with them. If that’s sorted out, the goldfish won’t be disturbed one bit.

    • Temperature:72 – 75 0F
    • Size:16 – 11.43 cm
    • Diet: Bloodworms, tubifex, crustaceans, insects, flakes, veggies. They may occasionally feed on algae.
    • Aggression level: Peaceful

    10. Platies


    Platies are another wonderful fish that can live with goldfish. They are lovely freshwater species with such an attractive appearance. Platies thrive in a well-vegetated environment with still or slowly flowing water, but they are fast, active swimmers, nonetheless.

    Platies love to move around the middle region of the tank, and whether alone or in a group, this amazing aquarium pet is ever calm and peaceful.

    One thing you should however know is that platies are a very fruitful species; female platy would bear clutches of its young ones alive once its breeding season. This may mean a need for a large-sized aquarium.

    • Temperature:70 – 77 0F
    • Size:35 – 7.62 cm
    • Diet: plant matter, flakes, fry, insects, worms, larvae, squash, cucumber, algae, tubifex, brine shrimp.
    • Aggression level: Peaceful

    11. Gold barbs

    Gold barbs

    How about making your aquarium a treasured sight by introducing two ‘golden’ pals? A gold barb should be no lousy or aggressive neighbor for a goldfish. These two species will make a colorful and peaceful community tank.

    Gold barbs are hardy and very active, meaning that they will cherish having some free space for their exploration – they can, however, use caves at some point in time. Gold barbs are a schooling sort of fish and they love to eat a lot.

    So, you should timely provide enough food to go around and prevent things from going rough within the aquarium. By the way; they swim comfortably around areas with slow-moving or stagnant water and spend their time swimming between the middle and bottom areas of the aquarium.

    • Temperature:64 – 75 0F
    • Size:0 – 7.5 cm
    • Diet: Tubifex, bloodworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, daphnia, freeze-dried foods, flakes, plant matter
    • Aggression level: Peaceful

    12. Corydoras


    This is one pretty catfish that is peaceful and easy to care for; it adapts to varying tank parameters. The interesting thing about Corydoras is that they are diligent tank-cleaners; they clear the tank’s bottom of debris and leftover foods. They love to swim around the bottom of the tank in groups [of 5-6] doing the playful dance they are known for.

    While there have been instances where corydoras safely and successfully share the same tank with Goldfish, it should not be left unsaid that their (corydoras) small stature could make the goldfish fancy a feast on them. But, it may not be that easy as corydoras can put up a defense using their bony armored plates. nevertheless, you may do well to ensure that the corydoras are not kept in the same tank with an overwhelmingly sized goldfish

    • Temperature:60 – 75 0F
    • Size:54 – 6.45cm
    • Diet: Sinking wafers, vegetables, plant matter, brine shrimp, freeze-dried foods
    • Aggression level: Peaceful

    13. Swordtail fish

    Swordtail fish

    The swordtail fish has the right size and temperament to make a compatible companion for a goldfish. These amazing species are very peaceful and sociable. Swordtail fish are the schooling type but will have no issues sharing a tank with others from their ‘clan’.

    They are quite versatile in that they can thrive in both freshwater and saltwater environments. However, while they can survive in varying water conditions, they are not so tolerant of sharp/sudden fluctuations in temperature. Swordtail fish are active swimmers, moving around the top and middle regions of the tank. They cherish a densely vegetated habitat and will need some hiding spots on certain occasions.

    • Temperature:65 – 82 0F
    • Size:13 – 16 cm
    • Diet: Brine shrimp, bloodworms, tubifex, daphnia, mosquito larvae, fruit fly, flakes, freeze-dried foods, vegetables
    • Aggression level: Peaceful

    14. Rubberlip pleco

    Rubberlip pleco

    Though not a very regular or common choice of a tankmate for the goldfish, the Rubberlip pleco will, without an iota of doubt, make [and sustain] a peaceful community tank. In the wild, Rubberlip plecos dwell in moderately flowing water with rocky undersurface, and they have a high demand for oxygen.

    They are nocturnal species that are well-inclined to staying at the bottom of the tank where they display their scavenging characteristic. They are yet another ravenous eater of algae. With all these, the Rubberlip pleco should not compete with the goldfish for food and space.

    • Temperature:70 – 78 0F
    • Size:16 – 17.78cm
    • Diet: Algae, peas, zucchini, lettuce, flakes, spinach, cucumber
    • Aggression level: Very peaceful

    15. Fire-nose tetra

    Fire-nose tetra

    The rummy-nose tetra is yet another friendly fish that can make a peaceful abode with your goldfish. You should, however, bear in mind that a little extra will be needed from you to take care of them as they do so much to tolerate unfavorable water conditions – they are pretty sensitive to such sudden/unusual changes.

    Rummy-nose tetras will add beauty to your tank as they are colorful and love to keep their shoaling party. They delight in moving about in the middle of the tank but are never scared of dashing to the top and bottom in some instances. Just like the goldfish, the rummy-nose tetras also cherish a habitat that is filled with some greenery.

    • Temperature:64 – 82 0F
    • Size:5 cm max
    • Diet: lettuce, flakes, spinach, cucumber
    • Aggression level: Very peaceful

    To wrap this up; I will like to state here that you should not hit the store to purchase any one of these fishes as tank mates for your goldfish without doing what is needful. That entails knowing the fish that you are planning to introduce in detail and also ensuring that all is set to welcome it into the home. More importantly, see to it that the fish you will be bringing in is not at a stage of growth that can make it easy prey for the goldfish.

    So, in this article, we have answered the commonly asked question of what fish can live with goldfish? Each fish in the list has her own personality, dietary requirements, the appearance that you may or may not like. It’s important that you take into consideration the ambiance you want in your aquarium before deciding on the goldfish companion.

    Which Fish is most compatible with Goldfish

    Bloodfin tetras are most compatible with Goldfish

    Can Giant Danio love with Goldfish

    Yes Giant Fanio can live with goldfish as are both peaceful.



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