June 27

How to Write a Narrative Essay About Ocean Pollution


You are required to research and write a paper on the issue of ocean pollution. Most of this pollution is caused by coastal non-point sources, such as oil spills, ships, garbage, and wastewater.

Approximately 85 percent of the pollution is made up of oil, toxic wastes, and medical wastes. To write an essay on this topic, you can use an example essay that discusses this issue. Make sure to cite the source so that your readers can read it too. For study help, sample essays and templates about pollution can be found on Paper Help.

Plastic is a predator

Marine debris is a huge contributor to ocean pollution. It flows from rivers and dump sites and eventually ends up in sea turtles’ stomachs. Other items that end up in the ocean include plastic bags, degraded buoys, and packaging materials. Some plastics are so toxic that they become hosts for invasive species. But the most dangerous type of plastic is the kind that has no discernible source. This kind of plastic is found in our oceans and causes more harm to marine life than any other type of pollution.

Marine debris kills at least 100,000 marine animals each year. In fact, 81 out of 123 species of marine animals have been known to eat plastic. In addition, more than half of the world’s seven species of sea turtles have been found to have eaten plastic. The animals consume plastic so abundantly that more than 50 percent of dead sea turtles have plastic in their stomachs. It is also deadly for grazing animals like seals, birds, and other sea creatures.

Noise pollution from ships

In a narrative essay, you may want to discuss the effects of ocean pollution on marine life. There are numerous causes of ocean pollution, including human activities and the waste deposited by ships. In some areas, ships are legally permitted to dump garbage and wastewater overboard, while in others, it is prohibited. In any case, it is important to point out that over 85 percent of ocean pollution results from human activity. This pollution includes oil, toxic wastes, and medical wastes.

Human activity is the primary cause of ocean pollution, and each of us is responsible for doing our part. While most people don’t realize it, we can all make a difference. The ocean provides us with shelter, resources, and more. However, pollution from manmade materials and other sources threatens the environment and our lives. Fortunately, laws have been put in place to help protect the ocean.

Oil spills

Ocean pollution is a major problem affecting marine life and the ecosystem around our coastlines. More often than not, it is manmade, but natural pollution also happens. For instance, nearly 900,000 gallons of oil spill into the ocean yearly from oil dredging machinery and leaking tankers. Throughout history, 22 spills totaling 15 million gallons of oil have existed.

Oil spills, tanker discharges, and untreated municipal wastes all contribute to ocean pollution. The effects of pollution are far-reaching and have destabilized many coastal ecosystems. Studies have also shown that pollution is responsible for the decline of shellfish and phytoplankton. Medical waste and other toxic waste also pollute the ocean, and beach visitors’ garbage is among the largest sources of this kind of pollution. Additionally, factories and waterfront businesses also release poisonous chemicals and waste.

Untreated municipal wastes

Many pollutants originate on land. Industrial plants, marinas, and piers discharge untreated wastewater into rivers and lakes. Untreated municipal sewage and industrial wastes also contribute to ocean pollution. Medical waste is also a major culprit on land. These pollutants are dispersed through waterways to reach the seas. Nevertheless, the impact of these wastes is unknown. A comprehensive analysis of these issues is necessary to determine the best approach to addressing these problems.

Oceans are also contaminated by human waste. Partially-treated sewage water from human wastewater treatment plants is dumped into the oceans. Automobiles also contribute to air pollution, which eventually reaches the sea. Acid rain is one form of ocean pollution. Oil spills also negatively impact marine life. Plastic particles and oils can clog fish gills, preventing them from breathing and killing marine plants.

Arsenic poisoning

As one of the most common heavy metals found in wastewater, arsenic is also a common environmental contaminant. It is commonly deposited as a result of improper disposal and arsenical pesticides. As a result, over 200 million people worldwide are exposed to arsenic in varying concentrations. Even a single part per billion can have negative health effects, but chronic exposure can lead to serious ill effects.

Human Rights Watch interviewed people who suspected they had arsenic-related illnesses as part of the investigation. Many of these people sought medical care from government facilities. One such individual is Balish, a farmer in the village of Bilmamudpur. His chest and hands are swollen and afflicted with dark patches. In fact, three years ago, he was notified by an NGO that three of his shallow wells had been tested and marked red. His cousin had just passed away the day before the interview.

Keeping the ocean clean is not just the responsibility of the government

Keeping the ocean clean isn’t just the responsibility of governments; everyone has a part to play in this effort. The government’s environmental protection agency oversees ocean pollution prevention and management programs. However, the agency’s budget cuts have limited the agency’s ability to monitor the ocean. EPA and regional offices work together to protect the ocean from harmful dumping. The agency also shares responsibility for disposing of dredged material that is unfit for use in the ocean.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched the Clean Seas Campaign to renew global efforts to combat plastic pollution and marine litter. The campaign focuses on individuals striving for change and aims to end humanity’s addiction to unnecessary plastic. An estimated 11 million tons of plastic are dumped into the oceans every year, putting marine ecosystems at risk. Since the Clean Seas Campaign launched in 2017, 62 member states have committed to making their waters cleaner.


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