May 23

Easy-to-Keep 10 Best Tropical Fish For Beginners


Being a newbie, you need to pick tropical fish that will provide you with the highest possibility of excelling in your own fish aquarium.

There is so much to explore for a new fishkeeper, and choosing a fish species that is entertaining and simple to look after is very essential. Having a fish with intricate upkeep and feeding needs complicate the issue even further. You’re also more likely to be concerned over plenty of other unexpected challenges.

In this friendly guide, you will learn about 10 of the best tropical fish for beginners and important info related to their maintenance. They are fantastic picks for newbies, but plenty of experienced fishkeepers also like them.

Knowing the fundamentals is crucial from the start, and it will make your newfound activity far more delightful. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Which Factors Define an Ideal Beginner Fish?

fish tank

The first thing you will understand regarding fishkeeping is that each fish is unique, and you can’t just put a lot of them in a fish tank and leave them alone.

There’s so much more to it. When searching for a starting tropical fish, you have to opt for a fish species that contains some of the key conditions:

  • They need to be resilient so that they can survive in a wider variety of settings
  • Need to be calm and get along very well with other types of fish.
  • They need to be hardy and easy to look after.
  • Need to be tiny enough to fit in your fish tank without becoming too large in size.

The Best Tropical Fish for Beginners

Different tropical fish on a coral reef in the Red Sea

1. Swordtail (Xiphophorous helleri)

Swordtails are handily recognized for their long and edgy bottom fin. They are also one of the ideal beginner fish as they require little effort to thrive in their fish tank.

They have to be maintained around other schooling fish. However, males could get violent at times if the other male seems to be a risk to them.

If you have more than one swordtail fish, it’s a good idea to have a high water flow everywhere in your fish tank. This is because their native environment is quick flowing water.

They also mainly thrive on plant-based meals. Thus, choose vegetable flakes for your diet and you will be just fine.

2. Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)

Zebra Danios are vibrant tiny fish with black and white colors with a sparkly shine Because these fish grow to be only about 2 inches long, various can be housed in a 10-gallon or bigger fish tank.

They are active fish having a calm disposition and prefer to be in a small group of zebra danios. Zebra danios are among the top tropical fish for newbies thanks to their strong extent of endurance. 

They can easily tolerate a wide range of water parameters and love to have a few fish flakes now and then. These fish are easily maintainable, energetic, friendly, and can survive in small fish tanks of 20 gallons. So consider giving them a try.

3. Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)

A fantastic addition to any communal fish tank. Platies are calm fish that will coexist with just about any non-aggressive fish. As an outcome of careful breeding, there are many distinct types to pick from, and they are available in a wide range of colors and patterns.

    Just like swordtails, platies breed fast in the correct circumstances. This makes them highly beneficial fish to nurture for new enthusiasts. Platies are not choosy about their food. They will consume all most every kind of flake diet, and also the majority of frozen live meals.

    If there are no hostile fish in your water tank, platies will be one of the finest tropical fish for you as a beginner.

    4. Tiger Barb (Barbus tetrazona)

    The tiger barb, which is native to Southeast Asia, is yet another attractive tropical fish for newbies. They are a schooling fish that got their name from the noticeable tiger-like vertical black stripes on their body.

    Tiger barbs can reach a height of 3 inches on average and have a lifetime of around 5 years. They are relatively simple to look for and will consume any commercially made diet, including fish pellets and flakes. 

    But keep in mind that tiger barbs are infamous for nipping the fins of other fish. Therefore, do not house them with long-finned fish. Having said that, a bunch of them will pretty much keep them occupied among themselves.

    5. Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)

    Because of their small size and vivid colors, neon tetras are one of the highly famous tropical fish for beginners. Neon Tetras usually reach a length of roughly 1 to 1.5 inches and are ideal for a fish tank of around 10 gallons. 

    You need to have 5 to 6 of them as they are communal fish. If their school is very tiny or the water is not clean, they might become harsh with one another.

    Overall, they are very gentle and straightforward fish that are suitable for both newbie and experienced fishkeepers. Be careful not to load them with any bigger fish, as they will get a tasty treat. When it comes to fish, one guideline to keep in mind is that large fish consume small fish.

    6. Betta (Betta splendens)

    The betta fish, which also goes by the name of Siamese fighting fish, is a lovely and simple fish. They originate from Southeast Asia in motionless pools of water. The good thing about them is that they can easily manage to live in low oxygen situations. This is because of their labyrinth system. They also make superb additions to the communal water tank.

    Betta males are quite possessive and are apt to attack or show aggression to these other males of its species. It’s also very likely that two males of the betta species would fight till the end, thus the moniker “fighting fish.”

    But bettas are still ideal tropical fish to maintain for newbies since they are not picky munchers. Moreover, they are very simple to look after and can handle a broad array of water conditions.

    7. Silver Dollar (Metynnis argenteus)

    The silver dollar gets its name because of its appearance. It comes from South America and is related to the piranha family.  Contrary to piranhas, these fish are gentle herbivores that can easily thrive in fish tanks. A big group of these fish forms an eye-catching display in your house.

    They can also get a little bigger to over 7 inches and have a long lifespan of around 10 years. As a result, they have to be housed with fish of equal or larger size.

    8. Sparkling Gourami (Trichopsis pumila)

    Sparkling gouramis, alternatively called pygmy gouramis, are tiny labyrinth fish native to Southeast Asia. These little fish can grow to a peak length of 1.7 inches and are quite simple to maintain.

    Due to their tiny size, dazzling colors, and ease of maintenance, they are among the best choices for beginner fishkeepers. They mostly eat on little insects that drop to the bottom. They can also consume any commonly provided pellets or flake feeds in the fish tank.

    However, you have to make sure they get a healthy diet by providing them with meaty things like worms.

    9. Cory Catfish (Corydoras)

    The cory catfish is a gentle fish that gets along well with several of the other species. Including up to 140 types to pick from, they are an ideal fit for any newbie’s water tank.  Due to their fondness for organic waste and algae that can accumulate at the bottom of water tanks, these tropical fish will be in charge of maintaining your fish tank neat. 

    The cory catfish is a school fish with a lifetime of about 20 years that thrives more when housed in bands of at least 5 fish.

    10. Cherry barb (Puntius titteya)

    Native to Sri Lanka, Cherry barbs are a schooling fish. They are tiny and calm which makes them an ideal inclusion in any water tank for new fishkeepers. 

    They are simple to maintain and look after in a fish tank. Typically, they can easily consume the majority of widely supplied fish flakes and pellets.

    Although, it’s also highly essential to boost their meal with some meaty things, like worms, in order to keep a nutritious diet. They can grow to be roughly 1.5 to 2 inches long and generally survive for about 6 years if decent care is taken.

    Frequency Asked Questions about Tropical Fish for Beginners

    1. Is maintaining a smaller fish tank easier for beginners?

    It might just appear that a smaller tank is ideal for a trainee as there is lesser water to manage and fewer fish to look after, but this is not the case.

    Small fish tanks will need more regular water replacements and will be considerably more difficult to keep in proportion and stability with their water quality parameters.

    Since fish generate waste, keeping less water in your fish tank will lead the waste to degrade the condition much quicker.

    2. Is it bothersome for fish to be stared at by the pet cat?

    If the cat is just some steps off from the aquarium, the fish are unlikely to notice its presence.

    It might likely upset the fish if the cat comes straight towards them, paws the tank, or jumps on top of it.

    3. What kind of food should I give to my fish?

    For any of the tropical fish in this article, just about any publicly sold fish pellets or flakes would be fine.

    Wrapping Up

    All of the 10 tropical fish for beginners listed above are actually a very small selection of the various distinct fish types that can be kept in a water tank. 

    Having so many fantastic species to pick from, there will never be a tedious moment of time in the area of fishkeeping. Most tropical fish and plants contain colors that rival those of their saltwater counterparts. They are also usually more robust than several other aquatic creatures.

    A diversified tropical fish will surely provide you with your own unique view of the marine environment. We hope that this list of the 10 best tropical fish for beginners has filled you with the encouragement and excitement you were searching for.


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