April 14

Best Betta Fish Food – Reviews and Detailed Feeding Guide


Best Betta Food

A well-fed Betta is a happy fish – don’t let this escape your mind. And, as the nutritionist would always say, “you are what you eat”, these aquarium lovelies can also benefit from a nice meal. This is why you’ve got to offer them a well-formulated betta fish food, simply made to satisfy their appetite.

More so, bettas, being one of the most colorful aquarium species, have special needs when it comes to diet. The food needs to be a  balanced diet containing quality ingredients from diverse sources which we shall discuss in this article – so, we implore you to stay glued.

Betta food must contain lots of protein in their diet as these fishes bear high energy levels. There is a belief that bettas can survive on natural plant roots and algae – this is simply WRONG! Bettas are naturally carnivores, meaning plant-based foods will not be enough to fulfill their dietary demands.

You can feed your betta with live foods like mosquitoes’ larvae, worms, and brine shrimps or can depend on the dried betta supplements that are available in the market.

You should, however, know that live betta food could possibly carry various infections along with them; this will not only contaminate the tank but predispose your precious pet to life-threatening health issues. Owing to this, it is advisable that you feed your betta with floating pellets and flake food.

Most of the dried fish foods come with accurate food values that bettas need for their growth and proper coloration. Additionally, feeding bettas with frozen foods also reduces/nullifies the chances of water contamination.

Note that feeds that stay at the bottom of the tank are not the best for bettas as their physiological shape makes it difficult for them to reach such feeds. In light of this, you should consider leaving sinking pellets out of the dietary supplies of your bettas.

For the love of bettas, we have decided to provide you with detailed information about their food, even as we review some top-quality (betta) foods in this article.

Types of Betta Food

Before we delve into the review proper, we feel it would be wise to share with you, on a general note, the types of food that bettas do take – this may be very valuable to you if you’re just about starting out with bettas.

1. Floating Pellets

Floating pellets are usually accepted by the Betta fish unless your fish is feeding on live foods or frozen worms. The pellets are rich in vitamins and minerals. But you should be minded that the floating pellets can get saturated and settle at the tank’s bottom as time goes by. Excessive accumulation at the base of the tank may thereafter cause environmental (water)change for your fish, and this could be fatal for the inhabitants.

2. Freeze-dried

Dried frozen items are the best food supplement for bettas. This fish species cherishes frozen worms and other organisms prepared. So, you should make freeze-dried feeds the number 1 meal for them; your bettas will love you even more for this.

Freeze-dried foods contain an adequate amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals which are required to help your bettas stay healthy. Moreover, this type of feed helps the fish to grow at a quick pace and also plays a great role in enhancing their body color.

3.Live Foods

Live foods are another great dietary option for your betta, especially when you are planning to set up a breeding unit [for this fish]. Examples of live foods you can feed your bettas with include live worms, mosquito larva, brine shrimps, and other small fishes.

But remember that live foods can sometimes be carriers of infections. Besides, it is not an easy task for every fish hobbyist to regularly provide bettas with live worms or larvae.

4. Flake Food

This product usually consists of plant products, and as we already know that bettas exhibit carnivorous feeding habits, preferring meaty/protein-rich meals to any other. So, you should only consider using flake foods to supplement any of the food types discussed before now.

    To sound a note of WARNING: Feeding your bettas only flake foods – or feeding them with it in excess – could cause their bladder to become bloated.

    To keep your betta in perfect health and good physiological shape, you should mix your fish’s diet with freeze-dried food and live foods. You should bear in mind that, like humans, bettas also prefer a change of taste from time to time.

    Again, to retain the unique color combination and fin structure, a regular supply of adequate vitamins and minerals are necessary. And, these essential elements are found in dried fish food items in a good ratio. Therefore, it is recommended that betta’s diet be composed mostly of dried items, and occasionally mixed with live foods.

    When you are providing dried foods and pellets, do not forget that excessive food supply to the tank can make the excess food items to settle at the bottom. This can have an adverse effect on the pH level of the water, creating an unsuitable surrounding for your betta fish.

    On the feeding frequency; for adult betta fish, feeding once daily is enough, but for younger bettas, feeding should be twice daily. Take care not to overfeed your bettas as this can put them in great danger.

    Next on the plate is the review of 9 of the best betta fish food that you will find in the pet store.

    Best Betta Fish Food Reviews 2021

     1. Tetra Blood Worms Freeze Dried Treat

    Tetra Blood Worms Freeze Dried Treat


    Tetra Blood Worms Freeze Dried Treat is one of the best nutritious and protein-rich meaty flakes that your betta fish will love to consume. You will even love how they will turn out with the regular intake of this feed.

    The Tetra bloodworm freeze-dried treat is the balanced diet your betta needs to glow – you read that right – and live healthily. A perfect combination of protein, vitamins, and minerals is very important for this species.

    A tasty delight that your pets will delight in a feast on any day at any time. Betta lovers that have fed their pets with this feed attested to it that it does not only ensure that the fish turn out healthy but also promotes life expectancy.

    Features and specifications

    • Manufacturer: Tetra
    • Size: 0.28 ounce
    • Weight: 22.7 grams
    1. It is made with dried insect larvae.
    2. It comes in a small container.
    3. It contains antioxidants.


    1. Readily available in airtight containers.
    2. All types of Betta dietary elements available in this item.


    1. Overuse can misbalance the pH level of your tank.
    2. Can cause an allergic reaction to human skins, especially people suffering from Asthma and hyperallergic individuals.

    Here is, no doubt, a delicious and healthy treat that will do your betta a whole lot of good – highly recommended for anyone who wishes to see his/her pet happy.

     2. Ocean Nutrition Atison’s Betta Food


    Ocean Nutrition Atison’s Betta Food is the complete package of food for your Betta fish. The most interesting feature of this pellet is it does not cloud your aquarium’s water. This food will provide your bettas with wholesome energy that they need to remain true to their ‘playful’ nature. It is rich in protein and contains a considerable amount of fat and fiber. This very food is very beneficial when it comes to the enhancement of the coloration of your bettas.

    This product is for those Betta lovers who care about their fish’s health. A couple of aquarists have commented about how their bettas got more excited, swimming energetically after feeding on this food item.

    Features and specifications

    • Manufacturer: Ocean Nutrition
    • Size: 2.4 ounces
    • Weight: 75 grams
    1. It is formulated as a floating pellet.
    2. It has ingredients such as cereal meal, krill meal, fish meal, vitamins, minerals, and preservatives.
    3. It comes in an airtight container.


    1. Comes in a handy container.
    2. Little amount required per day.


    1. Works better on adult fishes.
    2. Though it does not cloud the tank water when supplying more than the requirement, it may cause damage to the pH balance of the aquarium water.

    We bet your betta will refuse to munch on any other food once it gets to taste this energy-rich supplement. You will see that whenever you are close to your tank, they will come near the surface to see whether there is if you’ve got a supply of this product for them.

     3. Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Baby Pellets

    Feed your bettas with premium quality, a color-enhancing diet without spending a big chunk of your savings by getting the Hikari Betta Bio-Gold Baby Pellets. It remains at the top among betta-keeping aquarium hobbyists.

    The biotechnological interventions applied in its production are the major reason your bettas will become radiant upon eating this, and this is further assured by the stabilized vitamin C contained in every pellet.

    If you will be breeding bettas from the start, then this (betta) food should not be missing from your supplies. What is more is that it does not leave clouds to form in the aquarium, which means that your betta will inhabit clean and healthy water.

    All you have to do to see how wonderful this betta food is to try it once, and we are sure you [or your betta] won’t want another (feed). There has been a feeling of satisfaction from one customer to another as surmised that this food is perfect for keeping their pets in perfect shape and ensuring outstanding color development.

    Features and specifications

    • Manufacturer: Hikari
    • Size: 0.09 ounce
    • Weight: 9.07 grams
    1. It exists in the pellet form and gets to float at the water surface.
    2. Among its primary ingredients are fish meal, grape seed extract, and stabilized vitamin C


    1. High floating time.
    2. Each pellet contains polyphenol that comes from grape seed extracts helps in the anti-aging process.


    1. None.

    The Hikari betta bio-gold baby pellet ticks the right boxes in terms of quality, ingredients/nutrients, and overall formulation. And, it indeed scores high in our assessment. This is the betta food for you if you are breeding young bettas.

     4. San Francisco Bay Brand Freeze-dried Bloodworms 

    This is one of the best betta food from one of the top aquatic species supplement manufacturers that has been providing the right dietary items for not only Bettas but also other tropical fishes.

    San Francisco Bay Brand Freeze-dried Bloodworms has been carefully formulated for surface feeders as it stays atop the water for a considerable amount of time.

    This food should be fed to the bettas twice daily, dispensing a quantity that can be consumed within 3 minutes.

    A lot of aquarists that have tried this food are quite pleased with their buy as the feed impressively fulfills its primary objective which is promoting the growth of bettas and other tropical fishes in your community tank.

    Features and specifications

    • Manufacturer: San Francisco Bay Brand Inc.
    • Size: 1.75 ounces
    • Weight: 136.1 grams
    1. It comes in an airtight plastic jar.
    2. It contains an adequate amount of protein, fat, fiber and some other mineral elements.
    3. It is suitable for feeding bettas and other fish species.


    1. Required only a small amount for Bettas.
    2. Perfect for both young and adult Bettas.


    1. Excess bloodworms if not taken out after Betta feeding, can create ammonia formation. This can hamper the acidic level of the water and attract bacterial infections.
    2. San Francisco Bay Brand Inc. has indeed given betta lovers a feed that they can rave about. We also love it and will recommend that you treat your pets to this sumptuous meal.

    5. Omega One Betta Food (Pellet)

    If you want to feed your Betta companion the best dry food extract natural sources, then Omega One Betta pellet is the right choice. This is a product of the U.S.A. and is made from freshly acquired seafood.

    These pellets have the right mix of nutrients that should help your bettas grow healthily and also enhance their color; this is specially made sure by the beta-carotene that the Omega One food contains.

    Additionally, you can be certain that your bettas will hardly get downed by disease upon feeding on this food regularly as it is rich in both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which helps in boosting their immune system.

    Everything that your betta requires to grow well is in this food, and several betta lovers have affirmed that it was great for the development and growth of their pet, even unto contributing to the quick recovery of sick fish.

    Features and specifications

    • Manufacturer: Omega Sea
    • Size: 1 ounce
    • Weight: 58.97 grams
    1. It is highly nutritious and contains protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, as well as some other essential vitamins and minerals.
    2. It is formulated as insoluble pellets, and as such, does not get to discolor the water.
    3. The pellets float on the surface of the water.


    1. Suited for Bettas as well as other tropical fishes.
    2. A very little amount is required for each Betta meal.


    1. The excess pellet can ruin the condition of the tank water.
    2. This is one of the best things that can happen to your bettas; it is of premium quality and highly effective for their growth and color enhancement.

    6. Tetra TetraPRO Tropical Colour Crisps With Biotin Food for Betta Fishes

    Tetra TetraPRO Tropical Colour Crisps

    These highly palatable pellets come in small round shapes and seem a complete dietary supplement for all types of tropical surface feeder fishes, including bettas. It is quite economical, and yet well-prepared.

    With this food, feeding your bettas comes without trouble as it does not cause the cloudiness of the water. Plus, the natural color inducer present in the pellets enhances the beauty of the betta. Another interesting addition to this is biotin which serves as an immune system booster. You can make this a staple food for your bettas.

    Aquarium hobbyists that have fed their bettas with this (food) testified to the fact that it does greatly bring out the fish’s color while also making them live happily [in sound health] thereafter.

    Features and specifications

    • Manufacturer: Tetra
    • Size: 7.42 ounces
    • Weight: 263.6 grams


    1. It can be used as a staple dietary supplement.
    2. Regular consumption is very less.


    1. Overfeeding or excess supply can damage the condition of the tank water.

    A feed that will not just promote healthy and colorful growth but also boost the immune system should make a huge appeal to anyone that loves an amazing species like betta. We’ve got nothing but love for this one – and we know you will also.

     7. Omega One Freeze-Dried Blood Worms Betta Food


    Let’s now take a trip back to the production line of Omega One to bring you a freeze-dried bloodworm betta food that is very rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals with low starch content.

    This helps betta to grow healthy and retain its natural color. So, in this, you have a wonderful supplement for your pet. Like the former food product from the manufacturer, this also contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which are very valuable for the growth of bettas.

    Upon feeding your bettas with this food, you should see them swim around excitingly with a good burst of energy. Several aquarists that are into keeping bettas have spoken glowing about how this food made their pets thrive, staying healthy with the color impressively preserved.

    Features and specifications

    • Manufacturer: Omega One
    • Size: 0.46 ounce
    • Weight: 13.6 grams
    • It comes in the form of bloodworms that stay afloat.
    • It contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as protein and fiber.
    • It is suitable for bettas and other tropical fishes.


    1. Highly nutritious and fulfill all the dietary requirements of Bettas.
    2. Do not create cloud formation in the tank’s water.


    1. Overfeeding can cause bloating of the fish bladder.
    2. Excess food supply to the aquarium can cause temperature change and pH imbalance of the tank.

    The desire for a good meal nursed by your bettas will definitely be fulfilled with freeze-dried bloodworms from Omega One. A premium quality product you won’t any regret purchasing – trust us, it’s a no-penny-lost buy.

     8. TetraBetta Flake Medley Betta Fish Food


    Tetra Betta Flake Medley Fish Food is the regular dietary fish supplement that every betta owner should consider. Why you may ask? – It’s a tasty delight [for your bettas], and it contains essential nutrients that will make their color pronounced and sustain their well-being.

    To be more precise; this fish food is filled with proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Omega-3 fatty acids are also present; these provide the right amount of energy that your betta needs to stay active throughout the day.

    Your betta will have no struggle picking this food up as each flake is tiny in size. You can use it as the regular diet for your betta, and this food is also loved by other tropical fishes. So, in some ways, it is an economical and highly effective choice of food for bettas.

    Vibrantly colored bettas are the result of good food and that is exactly what the Tetra medley betta fish food is. Time and again, fellow aquarium hobbyists have given this food a top mark for ensuring the healthy status of their aquatic pets with some (persons) going as far as saying it is great for feeding fish fry.

    Features and Specifications

    • Manufacturer: Tetra
    • Size: 0.81 ounce
    • Weight: 18.1 grams
    1. It comes in the form of thin red flakes.
    2. It is also packed with dried brine shrimp.
    3. It contains immune system-boosting vitamins and nutrients.


    • No need for other supplements as it provides all the dietary necessities for a betta.
    • The very little amount seems adequate for each meal.


    • When floats for a longer period, it may sink to the tank’s bottom, increasing the waste content of the particular aquarium.
    • Love to see your bettas in a playful mood? Then, feed them with this Tetra flaky treat and watch them live their lives to the fullest. It will not portend any danger to your bettas.

    9. Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Daphnia Food for Betta Fish


    Finally on our list is another nourishing goodness from the stable of Hikari. The Bio-Pure freeze-dried betta fish food is a formulation made with great care and incorporated with necessary elements that make an appetizing meal – for your bettas.

    One of its major selling points is the addition of Daphnia supplements which help to maintain the health and beautiful color of this favored species of yours. Plus, it carries the right blend of nutrients that will work wonders on your betta.

    Again, the pellets easily get softened but do not tend to sink, and the probability of cloud formation [as a result of the presence of this betta fish food] is nearly non-existent.

    This food is presently enjoying rave reviews among customers who have it to give commendable results with respect to guaranteeing healthy growth and even helping their bettas recuperate fast from illnesses. What a great value for money this one is!

    Features and Specifications

    • Manufacturer: Hikari
    • Size: 0.42 ounce
    • Weight: 45.4 grams
    1. It comes in a patented ratcheting dispenser top.
    2. It is very rich in multivitamins.
    3. Its primary constituent is daphnia.
    4. Its container permits nitrogen charging to preserve the freshness of the food therein.


    • It can be used as a regular diet.
    • Does not sink and easily palatable.


    • It absorbs oxygen, so the large amount can affect the condition of the aquarium’s water indirectly attracting various pathogen invasions.
    • If the food has got the right mix of nutrients then you can be sure that it will do your betta a whole lot of good, and that’s exactly what this Hikari Bio-pure freeze-dried betta food is about to deliver to your tank’s inhabitants.
    • I am sure that we have left you spoilt for choice with our list of 9, but we’re not done yet. Let’s take on a few frequently asked questions – some of these will sound like a recap though – betta keepers may have in mind.

    FAQs by Betta owners

    What does Betta like to eat?

    Bettas love to feed on meaty edibles – they are carnivores, remember. Moreover, bettas love to feed on living organisms like insect larvae, worms, brine shrimps, or other fish products.

    But, for pet lovers, it is not always possible to supply living organisms every time. So, while petting bettas, you can treat the fish with various dried foods that contain an adequate amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

    We’ve noted this before, but will mention it again for the sake of emphasis; contrary to popular belief, bettas cannot thrive [or even survive] on plant-based foods. So, for its proper growth and coloration, a Betta must be either supplied with living organisms or palatable dry fish foods.

    How much to feed and how often to feed?

    If the sight of seeing a sick set of bettas – due to constipation – does not appeal to you, you should feed them a very little amount of food. It is widely accepted that the measure of the size of your betta’s eyeball is enough. To buttress this further, it is recommended that you feed your betta with the quantity of food that can be consumed within 3 minutes.

    For the frequency; young bettas must be fed twice daily for them to attain the right color and healthy growth. There must be a gap of 12 hrs between both meal sessions. Once your fish reaches adulthood, you should start feeding it once every day.

    Why does my betta not eat on some occasions, and what to do then?

    Your betta may refuse to eat in the event whereby it is suffering from constipation or maybe when it has been subjected to a sudden change in water temperature or water pH – which may not be within the range fitting for it.

    To ascertain whether the temperature or pH is still within the normal range, you will have to use a thermometer and a pH test kit to check the temperature and pH value respectively. If any or both parameter(s) is(are) above the range, then return such to the acceptable value.

    On the other hand, if it is a sickness; you must observe your betta for a day. If it starts to eat food after a 24-hr gap, then it seems normal. But even after 24hrs if it shows no response to food then, your betta is supposed to be ill. Then, you shouldn’t hesitate to seek help on how to alleviate the situation.

    Do note that, sometimes, a new location and less hiding space in the tank also make the betta feel frightened and abstain from the food.

    What are the consequences of overfeeding my betta?

    Overfeeding could cause the bloating of your fish’s stomach. In such a scenario, the fish will become less active and is prone to bacterial and fungal infections.

    Overfeeding also results in constipation in bettas. Overfeeding is very harmful to not only the fish’s health but also to the condition of the tank water. Excess food means excess waste hence, it is advisable to use Automatic fish feeders to prevent overfeeding, and promote healthy fishes. Again, excess waste not only increases the tank water temperature but can also hamper the pH balance.

    How do I feed my betta while going on vacation?

    Bettas are tough guys and can withstand starvation to some extent; for instance, if you are going on a 7-day vacation, you can keep your adult betta without any food supply. But, when going on a longer vacation, you should install an automated fish food dispenser that will supply timely meals to your betta. If you will be out for a long period (days) with the automatic dispenser installed, you should make sure that someone is looking after your betta and the whole set-up. If you are vacationing for long(er) days, you should be minded that the automatic dispenser, if left unattended [for a considerably long period], could create excess waste and make the environment unsuitable for your betta to inhabit.

    For a more economical option, you can use feeder blocks as they are much cheaper than automatic dispensers. But at times these feeder blocks can create a real mess to the tank water especially when your fish is not liking its taste and not having it.


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